[Ancestral Unique Amulet] Locran’s Talisman

  • 925 Item Power
  • +25.0% Resistance to All Elements
  • +[2.0 - 3.0]% All Stats
  • +[5 - 13] Maximum Resource
  • +[88.0 - 115.0]% Critical Strike Damage
  • +[8.0 - 10.0]% Resistance to All Elements
  • Requires Level: 80
Your skills gain a [0.10 - 0.40]%[+] Critical Strike Chance bonus per point of Primary Resource you have, upto [10 - 40]%[+]. Each point of Primary Resource above 100 grants 0.2%[x] Critical Strike Damage instead.
A single petal of the Mother’s own blood, slowly wilting under glass.
디아블로4 (Diablo 4) [Ancestral Unique Amulet] Locran's Talisman Info

Document Update History

Date Description
2024-08-10 document was created