[Ancestral Unique Chest Armor] Raiment of The Infinite

  • 925 Item Power
  • 1,619 Armor
  • +[99 -135] Intelligence
  • +[1 - 2] to Glass Cannon (Sorcerer Only)
  • +[1 - 2] to Elemental Attunement (Sorcerer Only)
  • +[1 - 2] to Shocking Impact (Sorcerer Only)
  • Requires Level: 80
After using Teleport, Close enemies are Pulled to you and Stunned for [2.0 - 3.0] seconds, but Teleport Cooldown is incresed by 20%[x] (Sorcerer Only)
The power you have is never enough.
[Diablo 4] Ancestral Unique Chest Armor [Raiment of The Infinite] Info

Document Update History

Date Description
2024-09-03 document was created