[Ancestral Unique Pants] Tibault’s Will

  • 925 Item Power
  • 925 Armor
  • +[28 - 42] All Stats
  • +[638 - 873] Maximum Life
  • +[5 - 13] Maximum Resource
  • [10.5 - 15.0]% Damage Reduction while Unstoppable
  • Requires Level: 80
You deal [10 - 20]%[x] increased damage while Unstoppable and for 5 seconds after. When you become Unstoppable, gain 50 of your Primary Resource.
“The younger apprentices think wearing heavy plate in the swamps is foolish. They fail to understand that our armor is our legacy, and without it we are nothing.” - Crusader Pembroke
[Diablo 4] Ancestral Unique Pants [Tibault's Will] Info

Document Update History

Date Description
2024-08-17 document was created