[Ancestral Unique Staff] Vox Omnium

  • 925 Item Power
  • 3,677 Damage Per Second
  • [2,942 - 4,412] Damage per Hit
  • 1.00 Attacks per Second
  • +16.0% Lucky Hit Chance
  • +[198 - 270] Intelligence
  • +[26.0 - 35.0]% Core Attack Speed
  • +[114.0 - 150.0]% Non-Physical Damage
  • +[2 - 4] to Basic Skills
  • Requires Level: 80
Casting a Core Skill additionally fires 2 instances of Fire Bolts, Frost Bolt, or Spark, matching the elements of your last 2 non-Core Skill casts. These projectiles deal [30 - 90]%[x] increased damage. (Sorcerer Only)
Your incantations are echoed by a chorus of the damned. Wield their torment, their vengeance, their pain against the Hellborne that tortured them.
[Diablo 4] Ancestral Unique Staff [Vox Omnium] Info

Document Update History

Date Description
2024-09-06 document was created